Wednesday, October 8, 2008

On a lighter note

Did anyone else count that fool John McCain say "my friends" 21 times? And why couldn't he be still? I swear I will move to another country if he gets elected.(of course I said this four years ago, and here I am). I'm getting nothing done this week. It seems like every time I do a residency it takes me a week to turn my head around and start on something else. I did get by Surplus Sids yesterday and pick up a rocket launcher for Mother Courage along with some military jackets and a stretcher. Yep, a play about a war, Mother Courage was a war profiter during the Thirty Years War and the show has lots of war props. Thought I would post a photo on a lighter note, Wes and I amused ourselves in Macy's while Gerry picked up some new Calvins. Now how is this for good parental guidance? Well, I'm off to my studio to try and throw some earthenware bowls today.


Meagan Chaney Gumpert said...

Yes, My Friend, you could have played a drinking game with this!

Ron said...

Listen my friends, I wish I looked like that in my Calvin Kleins.

Tracey Broome said...

Oh, my friends, you do make me smile!!!!!!

ang design said...

hahhaaa much cheerier image than the last one.....