Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Trader Joe's

Dessert tonight! I love Trader Joes!!
We are so lucky to have a Trader Joe's here in Chapel Hill. I went there today to get our weekly groceries and found a new Trader Joe's red curry sauce. I got this steamer for Christmas since my old one ended up being a clay tool of some sort and then got tossed in one of our moves. So anyway, back to the food.... I steamed some broccoli, mushrooms, spinach, carrots, pea pods, tofu, cilantro and pineapple then tossed it in the red curry sauce. This was sooooo good, served over basmati rice. Yum. It looked so pretty in the steamer, I thought I would show all of you. We have been eating so much better(except for the chocolate bananas) since I started shopping At TJ's and our grocery bill is less. What a concept, good healthy food and lower grocery prices.


Linda Starr said...

chocolate covered bananas, um. your dinner looks delish; i love curry. I like trader joes lemon verbena soap and their laundry soap lasts a long time too.

cookingwithgas said...

I really really REALLY wish we has a TJ's here....

T.Gray said...

I like the chocolate covered candy orange slices, the double cream brie, Bear's Lair Merlot, and Trader Joe's Coastal Cabernet, oh yeah, and their double roasted salsa and peanut butter.

Tracey Broome said...

I like the chocolate truffles dipped in their raspberry preserves. Tom, did you see the longboard corn chips they had this summer? They were so cool! This week I bought a bottle of Panilonco Carmenere from Chile. Really good red wine for $4. Can't beat that. I am now addicted to red wine with granny smith apples and parmesan cheese slices!