Thursday, September 17, 2009

Turtle Dreams

"Seeing turtles in your dream, suggests that you will make slow but steady progress. You need to slow down and pace yourself. Alternatively, it indicates that you are sheltering yourself from the realities of life."
I have been having frequent turtle dreams lately, I won't even begin to explain them, someone might come for me in a white coat, you know! So, anyway I looked up the dream analysis and this is what it said. Pretty accurate I would say. Good advise too!
Haven't made much this week, just getting things back in order from my last making/firing, glaze mixing frenzy and I have started teaching a beginner class at The ArtsCenter with some fun new students that are verrrrry beginner, so much fun to watch their enthusiasm! Gerry has been in Nashville all week doing video training with the AP, as if he doesn't have enough to do without trying to shoot video now too.(Oh, David Crosby was staying in his hotel, cool!). Looking forward to a fun weekend. Centerfest is in Durham and the Carrboro Music Festival is Sunday. Wesley's band will be playing there this year YAY!


Linda Starr said...

I love turtles, when we lived in Arkansas they were everywhere; they were there one minute and then gone the next. So although it seems like they move slowly they really make great progress.

Tracey Broome said...

hi Linda: I love turtles too. I had one when I was a kid that got stuck under our piano and died. Sad day! I have lots of turtle shells around here, they are so interesting.

cookingwithgas said...

Turtle dreams, how very interesting.
I see lots of turtles here and love the box turtles. I followed one up my driveway one day. He was trucking along and kept looking back at me in the car as if to say, "don't you have anything better to do then to follow me!?"
I finally had to get out and pick him/her up and move them out of the way.
It made me laugh.

Jen Mecca said...

Aydan is going to be a turtle for Halloween, I'll have to send you a photo so you can dream about her.

Cindy Powers said...

Reminds me of my daughter's favorite bedtime book when she was little about a turtle named Fred "Turtle time, turtle time, a little song , a little rhyme. It always comes into my head when ever I get in my bed and cover up and close my eyes. here are the hows and wheres and whys:" by Sandol Stoddard

cindy shake said...

Cool dream to have! I don't recall ever dreaming about a turtle... Hmmm, I need to have a turtle dream & slow things down a bit :o)

We had a huge desert tortoise when I was a little kid living in So. California. Weird, I just remembered that when I read your Blog! I had painted one of his/her "tiles" on the shell pink with fingernail polish (don't report me to PETA it was the 60's!).

Tracey Broome said...

Great stories you guys! So much turtle love out there :)