Friday, November 13, 2009

Big vases

I started working on some bigger vases today, started with 6 lb. then 8, then 10 just to warm up. I've been making mugs and bowls and the obligatory Christmas ornaments (that I swear I am not making again, I hate them!) The jug below was a screw up. I was making a tall vase, and the neck got wonky on me, so when necks get wonky I pull spouts! This is the first jug I have attempted and I rather liked making it. These are for the Raku kiln, so it should be interesting to see if they survive. The jug is about 7 lbs. and feels pretty light on the bottom, not bad for the weight, but the form definitely could use some work. It will be a nice test tile at least.


Anonymous said...

nice! i really like the top one....

Tracey Broome said...

Hi Jeff: I need you to paint it for me! I am dreading the glazing :)

cindy shake said...

You go girl!! The sculptural head jug is fantastic -very original! Raku will look wonderfu -I really wish I could be using Raku on my sculptures. Stay with those more sculptural works not everybody can do that and you have a real talent for them :o)