Monday, July 5, 2010

Slab and Coil

"And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world. And this I would fight for: the freedom of the mind to take any direction it wishes, undirected. And this I must fight against: any idea, religion, or government which limits or destroys the individual. This is what I am and what I am about."
— John Steinbeck (East of Eden)
for the folks in Toronto!

A busy 8-5 day today. Here are my tools all cleaned up at the end of the day. I am trying to stick with the end of day cleaning so I am more motivated to work the next day. I finished putting terra sig on some barns that I made last week, and worked on three coil bowls. I have to work on them in stages so the coils set up enough that they don't slump. Last week Wes and I went to the UNC campus library. OMG! If you live nearby and haven't been there. I highly suggest it. They had sooooo many ceramics books: English, German, Korean, Chinese, Japanese. Canadian, Early American, folk pottery, slipware, redware, and on and on. And in many different languages too. And that was just the Davis library. Apparently all of the art books are in the art library at the Ackland Museum. Anyway, my point is, I checked out some books on Nigerian, New Guinea, and Camaroon pottery and got an itch to make some coil pots. I really have to be in the right mood, they take so much time. But I put on the ipod and went at it.

This one on the shimpo got a bit out of hand. I made it upside down and it just kept growing. It's really heavy, I need to weigh it and see how much clay it is.
One was dry enough at the end of the day to put terra sig on.
So, thanks to everyone for your comments on the artist statement. I agree that it stands well on the last two paragraphs, thanks for pointing that out. I appreciate everyone being honest. When I was in school we were asked to go around the room during our project presentations and critique the person giving the presentation. There could be a total pile of shit being presented and no one would say anything negative. It drove me crazy! I of course said what I thought (a surprise to you I know!) and then no one would speak to me for the rest of the day. You can give constructive critisism without being hurtful and I much prefer that, so thanks!


cindy shake said...

Tracey you are really onto something with your house/barn structures. Even the color palette you are using is FAB.

Tracey Broome said...

Thanks Cindy. I am really enjoying these right now. Wouldn't they be cool with a metal roof? That's on the list of things to do, so many things!

Michele said...

I love your barns too. And your candidness. I am candid also and I love to meet others who prefer to speak the truth than save it for when the other's back is turned. And, yes, you can say it kindly. And I love your bowls too.


Tracey Broome said...

Thanks Michele!!


Love your houses Tracey! and bowls! Cleanliness is next to godliness!

Hollis Engley said...

I just continue to love your barns, Trace. There is a quiet peace and lovely lines to them. Hope you keep making them.

FuturePrimitive Soap Co. said...

Ah, Hollis you hit the nail on the bonce! They do have a quiet peace to them. Exactly what I needed to look at today....they're just lovely. I wish I could fit inside one.
Cheers Trace. All is serene!

Tracey Broome said...

Ahhhh, you guys, thanks so much!! I like that they feel peaceful, every time I make one that's how I feel as they develop.

Patricia Griffin Ceramics said...

"Quiet peacefulness" is a great way to describe them. It would be interesting to see how the metal would look on them... Regarding critiques, I think it's a real art to do a constructive critique. I was in a workshop with Suzie Lindsay and Peter Beseaker and their critiques were so thoughtful, honest, constructive. When your critique was over, you felt more enlightened than anything else. That was something like 8 years ago but has really stayed with me. Great teachers.