Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Come Have Tea

My post yesterday was tragic and sad. I know many of you are dealing with loss in your families right now and my thoughts are truly with you. I thought I would lighten things up a bit with my treasures I brought home last weekend. Here is my very first teapot from Joseph Sand. I can't believe I have never picked up a teapot, but now I have one. Only this thing is a whopper, I need lots of friends to come over and share some tea.
Of course you can never have too many mugs, this is a nice one from Joseph
and two Potters for Peace mugs from Whynot, the tall one from Mark and the smaller one from Meredith. Thanks all of you for the great pottery, it has been put to use all week! My cupboards are overflowing with great pottery from many of you out there, but there is always room for more.


Laura Farrow said...

I'd love some tea!

ang design said...

gorgeous teapot!! put the kettle on then....i'll have mine in meredith's cup to suit my small fingers.... :))

Anonymous said...

lovely pots, i wish they were mine. i like the pair from meredith and mark

cookingwithgas said...

Hey.........I would love some tea- nice pots you went home with from your adventure!
Life is good-enjoy!