Thursday, August 12, 2010

Let's hear it for MK

I feel like my blog beat up Michael Kline's guest writer pretty bad yesterday, so I wanted to give a little shout out to Michael for putting up with it all with grace and dignity! MK, your plate is still the best one in this house, I have used it nearly every day since I picked it up in your studio one foggy morning. Thanks also for offering up a forum for discussion even if it got a little out of hand, it was interesting to read everyone's reactions, I met some new bloggers, and I now know about some potters that I didn't know about before. Those rants usually go on at my blog, not yours so I hope I didn't send any of it your way! Maybe we could keep the rants here, I love them haha!! I do have to say that I agreed with Dan Finnegan that a pot should not require a thesis to enjoy it, I loved that comment! Anyway, no worries, we all love ya xoxo


Kari Weaver said...

Sometimes it takes that sort of dialogue to really get the creative juices flowing. I didn't get to read the comments since Michael removed the post before I could get back to it. Not sure how successfully it works online rather than face to face. Michael is a good guy and I hope there are no hard feelings over all of this.

Anonymous said...

hi tracey, i missed it again. very frustrated because i can't find the guest blogger thing that you left the comment on. i did notice a bunch of cool glaze tests in the previous post and the pic of your piece that gerry took is nice, you gotta get him to shoot more of you pieces.