Saturday, June 4, 2011

NY Times

Gerry made the front page of the NY Times today!! He has been out of town all week following this story. This photo is very artsy and good for the NY Times for running it. Hard to tell in this photo, but it was shot through a window and there is a weird green reflection circling John Edwards, really cool photo. The News and Observer has a slide show package with the photo and a great photo with Gerry in the background working HERE, I can't post it on my blog because they have all sorts of copyright warnings posted, guess I should stay out of trouble and not drag it onto my blog.
I had a full day in the studio yesterday and did nothing but make a few tiles. I am just not feeling it right now, can't get motivated, have no creative energy flowing and don't even want to make anything. Hoping this will pass soon. I do have a kiln of bisque to fire and some coil pots to smoke, maybe after that I will have more interest...


Patricia Griffin Ceramics said...

Yeah for Gerry. That's very cool! It's been interesting to follow his career via your blog. He is BIG-TIME!... Regarding down-time in the studio, don't you think it goes in cycles? First the longing for creative play/work, then the work moves into a mad, busy, hectic, wonderful surge, then it just plain ol' stops. It's called talking a rest, a break, a time to recharge... Right? Though it often feels to me like I'll never get that inspiration energy flowing in my veins again, it does return.

Tracey Broome said...

Hey Patricia, it really does come in cycles doesn't it? I know the inspiration will be back, but it can be worrisome, feeling that you don't want to make anything... vacation is coming soon, so maybe that will help get me going again!

FetishGhost said...

I first entered art school wanting to be a freelance journalism photographer. I love hearing about all of his adventures and victories... Go Gerry!

I'm not a fan of the down cycle though. Maybe shifting media for a few days will give you space to charge your batteries.

judith blakeburn-potter said...

After reading your blog this morning, I opened the Memphis Commercial Appeal and there is the picture.I felt a connection. Congratulations! School is out so I hope to start posting soon.

Julie Whitmore Pottery said...

Yay Gerry!
Your mojo took a powder?
Its lurking in there somewhere, sometimes a hike will bring it back or just working anyways.

Michèle Hastings said...

congratulations to Gerry!
i think you are right that a vacation will be good for you... it seems that after a break we come back to clay, refreshed and with new ideas dancing in our heads.

Linda Starr said...

congrats to Jerry, so cool. I'm kind of in a slump right now too, not a full one, but a lull, perhaps it the impending summer heat here all too early. I feel guilty not going full speed ahead, but then all of a sudden I'm there again before I know it.

Peter said...

Really exciting to see the photo on the NYT. Congratulations to Gerry, and to you both! Mmmmm creative waves, surges, and slumps.... To be honest I'm finding mixing glazes and thinking of new work really hard at the moment (partly why the manic firing of the little wood fired kiln the other day had some therapeutic value). I keep finding things crowding into my potting and making life more complicated than it should be. The smell of some wood smoke and the feel of clay helps take me back to the things that got me motivated in the first place. Simplicity and stillness is good.

Laura Farrow said...

kudos to Gerry from us! whata rockstar! just gotta ride those waves of inspiration.. up and down. xo

cindy shake said...

Congrats to Gerry!! yeah, keep your Blog out of his employment -ha!! Don't think he would be too happy being your studio boy ;o) Maybe it's something with the creative goddess/universe because I need to find that lovin' feeling again for my artmaking... just means it's time to take a deep breath, smell the new flowers and rejuvenate!

cookingwithgas said...

Good job - don't you think Edwards had such promise.
If he had just stayed put and walked a bit slower- I was so sadden that he did not follow a good path. Sometimes people do dumb things.
But go Gerry!

Mr. Young said...

Great to see his pictures informing the world! I am hoping that my trip back to the states will help me get going again as well... hoping to learn a bit too! Have a great vacation!