Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Photo Essay

Way to go Gerry! Just a quick shout out to Gerry for a fantastic photo essay on the web today. If you look at online newspapers, you might have seen this. Gerry worked hard this summer on a special project with a local glass artist, Johnathan Davis and his efforts paid off. The package went out today and it looks like it got a tremendous response. He even made the AP Images blog today, so cool! Coincidentally, Jonathan was creating a sculpture for the NC Botanical Gardens sculpture exhibit, and he received an award for his creation. We went to see the exhibit today, strolling through through the gardens, looking at plants and sculptures, nice way to start my 54th year! When we got home, Wesley was here! She surprised me with a quick visit home, what an amazing family I have. Gifts you just can't buy!!!
Check out his photos here if ya wanna:



Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to you!
And beautiful work to Gerry!

oldgreymareprimitives said...

Way cool. As fascinated as I am by this art form..hot burning glass scares the crap out of me!
Wonderful photos
clap clap clap clap clap clap

Michèle Hastings said...

Happy Birthday!
Those are some great shots. Watching glass artists is always mesmerizing.

Lori Buff said...

Wow, amazing art in both the photography and the glass.