Friday, April 24, 2020

Happy Birthday Wesley

April 25, 1993.......  27 years ago, my beautiful child was coming into the world. I had no idea what that would mean for me, to be a mother. I had no idea the strength this child would give me, the fierceness to love and protect your child from everything life tosses at you is beyond understanding. She has brought so much to my life and I learn from her and grow with her and stand back and admire her strength and courage and talent and I am in awe...... I am so proud to be her mom. 

Last year, Gerry surprised us both with baby chicks on Wesley's birthday. Our old girls won't be around for too many more years and he thought we could add to the flock, four of them.  We had so much fun with these babies, until one day..... a black snake got into their cage, they were too big to eat but it smothered all but one of them trying. It was a horrible day, Wes called me at work to tell me, she was the one that found them, and it really sucked........ that's all I can say.  One chick survived and she imprinted on Wesley and followed her everywhere, she had witnessed the murder of her sisters and she needed to be with someone! She is our crazy Zelda. She had a hard time getting into the flock with the old girls, they were not having it. But she finally charmed them and now they are all best friends. She is the most curious chicken and so funny. She has a birthday today also I suppose and plenty to celebrate, she fought the snake and won!

Waffle House. I mean, smothered, covered and capped? Heck yeah! We decided to go there for breakfast last year on Wesley's birthday, that's how we roll, so fun! Waffle House is the barometer for hurricanes according to FEMA. If Waffle House closes, the shit is going to hit the fan. Well, guess what, Waffle House is closed my friends. This year, we celebrate Wesley's birthday in the throes of a pandemic and we are staying home! I baked a cake and we will celebrate being virus free. How's that for a party?! 

Crazy Zelda before the murder. This one is a survivor and so is my girl. So are we all. 
Be well my friends....... be strong, be happy.  
And to Wesley, the happiest of birthday wishes  for you! We love you  xoxo


oldgreymareprimitives said...

Happy Birthday Wesley. I have enjoyed hearing about you for many years now, and your Mom has heard lots about my two kiddos. Well none of you are kiddos anymore are you? Hope you had a wonderful day. < 3

gz said...

Happy Birthday Wesley! That looks one feisty chook!

Sandy Miller said...

Happy Birthday Wesley! Here's to more birthdays, more chickens and more wonderful adventures!

littlemancat said...

A very Happy Birthday to your dear Wesley! I remember her wonderful filming of the monks and the mandala making. So talented,compassionate.

Melissa Rohrer said...

Sounds like a good day. I'm glad you get to be together. Great hearing your voice again-reading your voice?

Tracey Broome said...

Thanks everyone, we had a great day!!!

cookingwithgas said...

Happy Birthday to Wes!!