Thursday, April 23, 2020

Creating Sanctuary

Are you guys using this time of confinement to do anything meaningful? Are you finding a quiet moment in the day to take advantage of this slower pace? There are less pressures on me to be somewhere, get something finished, run some errand, spend some money...... it's a quiet time here. 

I feel like I spent a good part of the first week or two having a pity party. The next week or so,  I worked up to needing an anger management program. I did manage to fit in some really good meals, practice some on and off yoga, take some walks when I could drag myself off the sofa, some reading, spent more time than I should have staring at a computer screen, I'll go ahead and admit that..... 

The three of us have a meal together every night now. I don't think we have ever had a solid week of meals together, unless we were on vacation. It's been really nice. Since my little therapy session with my daughter, I have felt much better, breathing is deeper, I feel less sad, I feel more grounded and more like I want to take care of my spirit. I found this book on one of my bookshelves the other day.  I forgot what an inspiring book it is and I thought I would put it's pages into practice in this new moon phase. Want to try? Here is a practice in the book that I love on creating a space for healing:

By the way, these are flowers I grew last year and sold all summer. That field of flowers was my solace, my sanctuary, my peaceful place, food for my soul. It was incredible. There will be more. But where will my sacred space be this year?

Here are some suggestions from the book on how to think about a sacred space and five days of practice to create it:

  • prayer
  • healing
  • meditation
  • rituals
  • yoga practice
  • growing medicine
  • boosting energy
  • rejuvenation
  • relaxation
  • memorial
  • enhancing creativity
  • cleansing
Meditate and Journal a vision of your sacred space

1. Relax, take deep breaths, close your eyes
2. Experience the space you are in
3. What do you hear? water, birds, chimes, traffic, wind, leaves blowing, music
4. What do you smell? The sea, flowers, food, the weather, the earth
5. What do you feel on your skin? The wind, salt air, the warm sun, a cool breeze, a bug bite, a mist
6. What do you taste? salty skin, herbal fragrance, green grass, flower blossoms
7. How does your heart feel? tight, happy, sad, distressed, calm, indifferent

Now, get your journal and write down all that you experienced. What of this would you like to bring to a scared space, what would you want to leave behind, what would you like to honor. What do you need your sacred space to be right now.......

The rain fell gently this morning as I stepped outside on the porch. A sharp cool wind blew right in my face, I could feel the mist of the rain on my skin, and I heard a far away train whistle from the train track that is miles away from us. I could smell the lilac tree from the backyard and I watched crimson blooms fall to the ground as the rain fell. All was right with the world for just a moment
Peace ya'll
Tomorrow, Day 2


gz said...

Blessings Be...we are counting ours and learning to change

Tracey Broome said...

gz, Hello!!! So nice to hear from you, I am going back through blogs
and trying to catch up with everyone, be safe!